The Amazonian Museum Network
Since December 2010, three museums –the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi in Belém (Brasil), the Musée des cultures guyanaises in Cayenne (French Guyana) and the Stichting Surinaams Museum in Paramaribo (Surinam)– have got involved in the creation of the Amazonian Museum Network.
The network was created for all the institutions that work for the conservation, transmission and valorization of the cultural groups living on the Guiana schield.
It supports and coordinates solutions to initiate and develop the digitalization of museum collections.
learn more about the Amazonian Museum Network
French Guiana
Musée des Cultures Guyanaises
A historic place at the heart of Cayenne

Parà / Brasil
Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi
The oldest scientific institution in the Amazon area

Stichting Surinaams Museum

French Guiana